Jan Gardner
28-05 2020 23:43
I had met Bill years before in 2011 and subsequently joining the Labour Party in Aberconwy when he was the Chairman. A mutual interest of language, history and cultural activities such as the visual arts became a continued dialogue and update with Bill and lovely wife Pat. In 2017 my solo show at the Royal Cambrian Academy in Conwy was opening in September of Bill’s mayoral year. I was delighted he agreed to ‘open the show’, it was a magical evening and I will never forget his genuine, sincere and obvious enjoyment of the event. It was the highlight of my year. One of the loveliest times, such an honour to have Bill there with such integrity and warmth for everyone. This is one of my favourite photos ever. Bill was the epitome of a kind and gentle man, with such humanity. I miss him very much. Xxx
Jan Gardner
28-05 2020 23:43
I had met Bill years before in 2011 and subsequently joining the Labour Party in Aberconwy when he was the Chairman. A mutual interest of language, history and cultural activities such as the visual arts became a continued dialogue and update with Bill and lovely wife Pat. In 2017 my solo show at the Royal Cambrian Academy in Conwy was opening in September of Bill’s mayoral year. I was delighted he agreed to ‘open the show’, it was a magical evening and I will never forget his genuine, sincere and obvious enjoyment of the event. It was the highlight of my year. One of the loveliest times, such an honour to have Bill there with such integrity and warmth for everyone. This is one of my favourite photos ever. Bill was the epitome of a kind and gentle man, with such humanity. I miss him very much. Xxx