Owe has a huge impact on my understanding of research. Almost everything I know on numerical linear algebra was learned in interactions with him. My first steps in convection diffusion problems were in collaboration with him. From him I learned the important early lesson to ignore fashion in research and work on what I felt was important. I learned to work on a broad collection of problems with enthusiasm and energy. He was unfailingly generous with his ideas in discussions and each one discussion had new ideas. My times working with Owe were highlights of my research life and my own PhD students still benefit from them. I was fortunate to go to Nijmegen in 1982, early in my career, to work with him. -Bill Layton
Owe has a huge impact on my understanding of research. Almost everything I know on numerical linear algebra was learned in interactions with him. My first steps in convection diffusion problems were in collaboration with him. From him I learned the important early lesson to ignore fashion in research and work on what I felt was important. I learned to work on a broad collection of problems with enthusiasm and energy. He was unfailingly generous with his ideas in discussions and each one discussion had new ideas. My times working with Owe were highlights of my research life and my own PhD students still benefit from them. I was fortunate to go to Nijmegen in 1982, early in my career, to work with him. -Bill Layton