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Eric Demaret

August 6, 1965 - February 19, 2018

A joyful and high spirited human being, an amazing friend, an admired teacher, a real professional ,a person with deep insight ,a fervent musician, a loving father, a devoted brother and son, a trustworthy life companion and many more...

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2018-02-27 18:13:06 wrote:

Dear Eric, I had the chance to say goodbye to you before the holidays, now I am still shocked to know that it was our last one, I keep in my mind all your jokes in class and your amazing way of teaching us, more than a teacher, you became a friend to us, maybe we will never thank you enough for always give us life and professional advices, bon voyage, keep smiling, for ever, as we will remember you.

2018-02-27 18:13:06 wrote: Dear Eric, I had the chance to say goodbye to you before the holidays, now I am still shocked to know that it was our last one, I keep in my mind all your jokes in class and your amazing way of teaching us, more than a teacher, you became a friend to us, maybe we will never thank you enough for always give us life and professional advices, bon voyage, keep smiling, for ever, as we will remember you.

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