Oh, Edi - we had breakfast in Zürich with Laura only a few weeks ago. I was so struck by your intention to spend your retirement helping elderly citizens suffering with dementia. It was such a pure hearted service you gave to visit those with no family and to help them secure their rights. I'll always remember when we took that little fishing canoe out onto Lake Victoria in Tanzania. A storm blew up, we were half sunk, but we still made it to the island. A beautiful day. You will be missed, my friend.
Oh, Edi - we had breakfast in Zürich with Laura only a few weeks ago. I was so struck by your intention to spend your retirement helping elderly citizens suffering with dementia. It was such a pure hearted service you gave to visit those with no family and to help them secure their rights. I'll always remember when we took that little fishing canoe out onto Lake Victoria in Tanzania. A storm blew up, we were half sunk, but we still made it to the island. A beautiful day. You will be missed, my friend.