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Edward Schwarz

July 13, 1960 - August 3, 2022

It is with great sadness that we learned of the sudden and unexpected passing of our friend and colleague, Edward “Edi” Schwarz. Edi served as General Manager of the Holcim Foundation from 2003 to 2021 following a successful career in the Holcim Group. His dedication, energy and passion helped develop the Foundation into a renowned and trusted global partner, a true beacon of thought leadership on sustainable construction. Please join us in remembering Edi’s unwavering commitment to building a better world for future generations, and his incredible gift for connecting people from all geographies and all walks of life.

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Gillian Cortes 2022-08-25 16:15:19 wrote:

Edi Schwarz was a rock star every time he would visit Manila and advocate sustainability. Whether it be in a forum, convention, television or a school, his passion for blue skies would inspire architects, other professionals, students and just anyone he met. His passion fueled long hours with his fans even if it robbed him of sleep before hopping onto a plane for the next gig. To Edi, even the smallest step to sustainability was worth encouraging and celebrating. He rocked but it was never about him. To Edi, it was about helping keep the balance so there would always be enough for tomorrow. His humility, kindness, generosity and passion inspired people to take up the challenge and build hope. We will always be grateful for the chance to have shared life with such a beautiful person. Gone too soon, but with every project that embodies the 5 target issues, we will know, that's Edi's legacy.

Gillian Cortes 2022-08-25 16:15:19 wrote: Edi Schwarz was a rock star every time he would visit Manila and advocate sustainability. Whether it be in a forum, convention, television or a school, his passion for blue skies would inspire architects, other professionals, students and just anyone he met. His passion fueled long hours with his fans even if it robbed him of sleep before hopping onto a plane for the next gig. To Edi, even the smallest step to sustainability was worth encouraging and celebrating. He rocked but it was never about him. To Edi, it was about helping keep the balance so there would always be enough for tomorrow. His humility, kindness, generosity and passion inspired people to take up the challenge and build hope. We will always be grateful for the chance to have shared life with such a beautiful person. Gone too soon, but with every project that embodies the 5 target issues, we will know, that's Edi's legacy.

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