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Edward Schwarz

July 13, 1960 - August 3, 2022

It is with great sadness that we learned of the sudden and unexpected passing of our friend and colleague, Edward “Edi” Schwarz. Edi served as General Manager of the Holcim Foundation from 2003 to 2021 following a successful career in the Holcim Group. His dedication, energy and passion helped develop the Foundation into a renowned and trusted global partner, a true beacon of thought leadership on sustainable construction. Please join us in remembering Edi’s unwavering commitment to building a better world for future generations, and his incredible gift for connecting people from all geographies and all walks of life.

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  • 2022-08-25 16:15:19 View / Comment (0)
    Gillian Cortes

    Gillian Cortes

    Gillian Cortes

    Edi Schwarz was a rock star every time he would visit Manila and advocate sustainability. Whether it be in a forum, convention, television or a school, his passion for blue skies would inspire architects, other professionals, students and just anyone he met. His passion fueled long hours with his fans even if it robbed him of sleep before hopping onto a plane for the next gig. To Edi, even the smallest step to sustainability was worth encouraging and celebrating. He rocked but it was never about him. To Edi, it was about helping keep the balance so there would always be enough for tomorrow. His humility, kindness, generosity and passion inspired people to take up the challenge and build hope. We will always be grateful for the chance to have shared life with such a beautiful person. Gone too soon, but with every project that embodies the 5 target issues, we will know, that's Edi's legacy.

  • 2022-08-19 20:10:47 View / Comment (0)
    Said Mouline

    Said Mouline

    Said Mouline

    ADIEU EDI, C’est avec une grande tristesse que je viens d’apprendre le décès de Edi Schwarz. Si jeune, si dynamique, si efficace. Il était ici, pour nous au Maroc et au Maghreb, dans le mone arabe et en Afrique, une des cinq Régions dont il avait la charge, le porte étendard des Holcim Awards, récompenses pour l’excellence de la Construction durable. Prix d’une portée universelle institué par la Fondation Holcim dès 2004, à l’aube d’un nouveau millénaire. Il savait expliquer, avec passion et conviction, les spécificités de cette nouvelle approche d’une des principales activités de l’être humain, de même que les définitions des groupes d’exigences ou de sélection attendus dans cette perspective. Je ne sais combien de fois Edi a fait le tour de la planète en tant que prophète d’Holcim au cours des deux dernières décennies. Ce dont je suis certain, ce sont les remarquables qualités de gentillesse, de délicatesse et de dévouement d’Edi vis-à-vis de tous interlocuteurs 0, nombreux et variés, quels qu’ils soient et où qu’ils soient. Il était ainsi, le plus simplement du monde, en harmonie avec sa personnalité. Edi était un grand chef d’orchestre mais qui n’avait que très rarement porté de costume queue-de-pie. Cela ne l’empêchait nullement d’être un grand gentleman. Il savait d’instinct comment organiser et réussir des cérémonies en puisant dans les cultures et traditions locales, musicales, vestimentaires et gastronomiques. Les fragments enregistrés en ligne témoignent de cette réussite et de l’attachement aux valeurs des Prix Holcim qu’il savait faire naître et reconnaître chez les convives. Ses attitudes et relations personnelles étaient singulières . Edi portait avec naturel le boubou africain ( à Johannesburg en octobre 2005 ) et la jellaba marocaine ( à Fès en juillet 2009 ). Je l’ai vu partager la soupe du Ramadan avec le personnel du restaurant de l’hôtel-jardin qu’il affectionnait à Rabat. Il s’enquérait régulièrement au sujet de ceux qu’il avait croisés et ne manquait pas d’adresser ses condoléances aux familles de ceux qui nous avaient quittés. Ce fut le cas, notamment, lors du décès du lauréat du tout premier Prix de la Construction durable décerné en 2005 à Johannesburg. Avec le renforcement progressif de ceux qu’il appelait « les Ambassadeurs de la Fondation Holcim », Edi a assumé les rôles de chef d’orchestre, de coryphée, d’orfèvre, de tabellion, d’éditeur des Prix de la Fondation Holcim. Il a porté avec succès et beaucoup de classe le message que les Awards ne sont pas d’ordre matériel uniquement concernant la Construction durable. L’objectif qu’a porté Edi a été celui d’offrir aux nouvelles générations un futur digne de l’identité d’une humanité retrouvée aux valeurs et identités multiples. Repose en paix Edi. Said Mouline, architecte Rabat, Maroc.

  • 2022-08-14 18:11:47 View / Comment (0)
    Marc Angelil

    Marc Angelil

    Marc Angelil

    Working session on "The Materials Book" in Berlin in the summer of 2019, with Edi, Leo, and Marc …

  • 2022-08-13 19:39:05 View / Comment (0)

    Daniel Felipe Zuluaga Londoño

    My dear friend Edi, I am pretty sure you are doing great in this journey; I will keep the happy memories forever. I am really thankful, I learned so much from you.

  • 2022-08-12 09:21:31 View / Comment (0)
    Sandra Boivin

    Sandra Boivin

    Sandra Boivin

    Thank you su much for your passion and your kindness. We loved having you with us. We will miss you.

  • 2022-08-11 07:16:49 View / Comment (0)
    Maria Atkinson

    Maria Atkinson

    Maria Atkinson

    edi, you were taken too soon. Thank you for all you did to champion a better world. I pay tribute to your kind heart, wise soul and disciplined mind. You were a treasured friend and will always be remembered. Much love Maria & Michael

  • 2022-08-11 02:21:59 View / Comment (0)

    Eduardo Pimentel Pizarro

    Edi has always been very generous, passionate, clever and funny. I am sure we all acknowledge his legacy and are willing to honor it. Thanks for everything, Edi!

  • 2022-08-10 14:29:54 View / Comment (0)
    Nand Kumar

    Nand Kumar

    Nand Kumar

    Edi seemed so fit and healthy that I can’t believe he went as quickly as he did. For his sake I hope it was swift. We once spoke about this when he condoled with me about the loss of my parents after prolonged illness and he shared his mother’s illness around the same time. I learnt a lot from him, about sustainable construction, about communications, making presentations, designing & publishing. His time management was impeccable. His visits to India were always welcome and I enjoyed planning a meaningful itinerary for him. We kept in touch till a month ago. He loved India and Indian food, marvelling at our vegetarian fare. I had invited him to visit Chennai, Pondicherry and Kerala as my guest, places he missed during his tenure. It is sad to have lost a good friend and colleague, my first link with Holcim Foundation. Auf Wiedersehen Edi

  • 2022-08-09 19:32:09 View / Comment (0)
    Michael Scharpf

    Michael Scharpf

    Michael Scharpf

    We will miss you, Edi, I will miss you. Farewell mate.

  • 2022-08-09 09:51:33 View / Comment (0)

    Eugenia Ceballos

    We will miss a great colleague, professionally and personally. There are no words.

  • 2022-08-08 13:16:49 View / Comment (0)
    Olaf Schreiber

    Olaf Schreiber

    Olaf Schreiber

    What a loss … my heart sinks, still unable to grasp what happened. Edi belonged to a rare species. He often surprised us with his wit, his ideas and solutions, his energy, and with his gentle style … but never with something like this. He was a truly global person, managing people and projects on all continents, and at the same time and a lot of fun personally. This picture was taken in April 2005 in Berlin - remember the first Holcim Awards? A great guy is gone. Edi was, is, and will always be - the only Edi.

  • 2022-08-08 11:02:36 View / Comment (0)
    Joana Dabaj

    Joana Dabaj

    Joana Dabaj

    Edi, words won't do justice about how much we love and appreciate you. I will cherish forever all the moments we shared together, in Kenya, Russia, India and Switzerland. Your support and encouragement meant the world to me! I enjoyed every conversation we had, every time you made time to listen to what we've been up to, every word of support, genuine care and interest. I am thankful I got the chance to meet and chat one last time a few months ago. Rest in eternal love dear Edi, you will be truly missed. Our sincere condolences to your family, friends and loved ones. Joana & Riccardo.

  • 2022-08-07 07:56:54 View / Comment (0)
    Kevin Jones

    Kevin Jones

    Kevin Jones

    I am beyond words. Edi has made such an indelible mark on so many aspects of my life over more than twenty years. He had an incredible knack to immediately gain the measure of people – and I'm so grateful he took a chance on recruiting a wet-behind-the-ears librarian from the Antipodes in 2000. He was so influential on my career and the maestro behind so many amazing experiences from being part of the launch of a global brand, creating a whizz-bang Intranet in HolderSpace, through to creating a foundation to promote sustainable construction that was ahead of its time and growing a network of professionals with enough heart to build a momentum of change. I'll never forget Auenstein adventures, the “room to improve” that was my first Oscar/Gemini publication, paddock bashing in a Porsche in Aotearoa, translating the requests of a security guard in Shanghai, door-to-door searches for Internet in Tuscany, online entry form overwhelm, reconfiguring an Awards ceremony in Delhi, lost near the Schiffbau, dropping in on my conference presentation in Montréal, Glen Innes flyovers, gin and reflections in Sri Lanka, brand launches in Luzern, and watching the master of soft politics attract so many big names into the Foundation’s sphere. To have had one-on-one meetings in airport lounges spanning the globe (and repeated final-call announcements) in AKL|BER|BNE|DEL|SIN|MEL|YUL|ZRH as well as at Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, Holderbank, Circular Quay and Serendipity is indicative of how wide my horizons have grown thanks to Edi’s influence. Beyond the work relationship, it's the friend and the mentor that I shall miss beyond measure. Thank you for believing in me, being a sage that would give Yoda a run for his money, sharing a delight in language and Fawlty Towers as well as a dislike of cricket, helping me through some of my darkest days, giving me space to make my own decisions, connecting with my children, (re)connecting friends, and for sharing your gift of bringing people together. Vale Edi - a gentleman amongst men, a giant amongst advocates, and gold amongst friends.

  • 2022-08-06 17:53:34 View / Comment (0)

    Marilyne Andersen

    Edi changed the lives of so many people in so many ways. He connected hundreds of us in helping us build very personal, genuine and long term relationships, he established and developed a unique platform for exchange and learning towards the betterment of the world, with a deep passion and commitment to sustainability and to seeking only the best (even when this meant we needed to announce the Award winners online!). Thank you Edi for everything you gave to all of us, and for the hugely positive impact your work and personality has made and will continue to make.

  • 2022-08-06 16:54:45 View / Comment (0)

    Yolanda Kakabadse

    Edi, you were strong in your convictions, soft in your approach; firm in responding to your challenges, yet gentle in mobilizing your peers colleagues and friends.Your example will guide many others in achieving goals and dreams. Me included!

  • 2022-08-06 00:25:45 View / Comment (0)
    Nirmal Kishnani

    Nirmal Kishnani

    Nirmal Kishnani

    I will miss you, my friend, more than words can describe.

  • 2022-08-05 18:31:50 View / Comment (0)
    Khaled Tarabieh

    Khaled Tarabieh

    Khaled Tarabieh

    Edi was such an inspiration for all of us at the American University in Cairo during the 6th Forum that took place back in April 2019. By far, the best conference I have been part of was where I had the chance to witness Ed's superior skills in leadership and communication which were instrumental in the success of this spectacular event. We are deeply saddened by this news and our prayers go to Edi and his family. Dear Edi - May you rest in peace our dear friend.

  • 2022-08-05 17:05:29 View / Comment (0)

    Wasana Chaidhiraphunkul

    Edi is a very kind, dedicated, and devoted person. His standard and high-quality work will always be in my memory and practice. He sets me and many people the example of passion and dedication. I’m impressed with his work from day one I knew him on rebranding from Holderbank to Holcim. Asia loves you Edi. You will always be remembered in my heart. This photo was taken in one of the Holcim Foundation's event in Jakarta at Hotel Mulia in late 2012.

  • 2022-08-05 15:21:28 View / Comment (0)
    Hattie Hartman

    Hattie Hartman

    Hattie Hartman

    Edi epitomised gracious, mission-driven professionalism always delivered with warmth and meticulous attention to detail. He led the Holcim Foundation to a position of thought leadership, respected across the globe. He will be greatly missed as the Foundation embarks on its next chapter.

  • 2022-08-05 12:50:08 View / Comment (0)
    Vivian Loftness

    Vivian Loftness

    Vivian Loftness

    This is such heartbreaking news. Edi was a true visionary and I know i speak for all of us who had the opportunity to work with him and the Lafarge Holcim Foundation on "re-materialization' feel we have lost a friend and one of the most creative, enthusiastic, inspiring and important leaders for the environment. He brought together leaders from around the world to forge visions for a more sustainable future. This was far too soon, Edi, and each of our constellations are less bright today. Vivian

  • 2022-08-05 12:46:58 View / Comment (0)
    Brinda Somaya

    Brinda Somaya

    Brinda Somaya

    Edi was our sounding board and supported every cause. Here he is with the Holcim Group at the Women in Design 2020+ Conference held in Mumbai in January 2020. His smiling and kind face is in front of me and we will miss and remember him always. This photograph was taken by Diego

  • 2022-08-05 12:19:40 View / Comment (0)
    Andi Subagio

    Andi Subagio

    Andi Subagio

    It's heartbreaking and shocking. We had a good night on our last dinner in Zurich with Edi last April 2022. As always, he's always humble. That night he went to my side of the table and listened to my story. I don't remember listening to his story that night. Such a great person, you'll be remembered Edi. Deepest condolence for all of us, for the Holcim Foundation, and especially for his family.

  • 2022-08-04 16:36:54 View / Comment (0)
    Laura Viscovich

    Laura Viscovich

    Laura Viscovich

    Edi, I find it very hard today to believe that you are gone, but equally thankful that I had the opportunity to get to know you over the past year. Your warmth, openness, and eagerness to see the Foundation evolve helped me feel enormously welcomed and trusted. I will cherish the last moments we spent together, celebrating your incredible achievements with the Foundation team, and enjoying the fun and friendliness you masterfully brought to every occasion. Thank you for the trust you showed me: your spirit will live on forever in my heart, and in the Foundation's evolving programs.

  • 2022-08-10 17:22:57 wrote:

    My deepest condolences to the family and all his friends. I am thankful that I had the chance to know you, Edi, and to work together with you over so many, many years. It is shocking and I am missing the right words to express my feelings. What ever you did, you did it with professionalism, dedication and commitment. You were always full of ideas, inspiring and with the enormous capacity to bring together people from across the entire world. You were friendly, polite, full of passion and with a good level of diplomacy to get things done while always finding the best solution. Personally I lost a friend and we all, a great man...miss you

    2022-08-10 17:22:57 wrote: My deepest condolences to the family and all his friends. I am thankful that I had the chance to know you, Edi, and to work together with you over so many, many years. It is shocking and I am missing the right words to express my feelings. What ever you did, you did it with professionalism, dedication and commitment. You were always full of ideas, inspiring and with the enormous capacity to bring together people from across the entire world. You were friendly, polite, full of passion and with a good level of diplomacy to get things done while always finding the best solution. Personally I lost a friend and we all, a great man...miss you

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