03-11 2020 21:25
On behalf of St. Catharines City Council please accept our belated condolences on the loss of Lloyd Farnum. Lloyd and his family welcomed many visitors from the St. Catharines Twinning Association over the years. We appreciate Lloyd’s commitment to fostering the sistership of St. Catharines and Port of Spain. The memory of his friendship will remain with us forever. ~ Mayor Sendzik
03-11 2020 21:25
On behalf of St. Catharines City Council please accept our belated condolences on the loss of Lloyd Farnum. Lloyd and his family welcomed many visitors from the St. Catharines Twinning Association over the years. We appreciate Lloyd’s commitment to fostering the sistership of St. Catharines and Port of Spain. The memory of his friendship will remain with us forever. ~ Mayor Sendzik