14-01 2017 17:13
God’s Word realistically shows that it is natural to experience grief when a loved one dies. The faithful patriarch Abraham mourned the death of his beloved wife, Sarah. (Genesis 23:2) David was grief-stricken after hearing that his son Absalom was dead. (2 Samuel 18:33) Even the perfect man Jesus wept over the death of his friend Lazarus. (John 11:35, 36) When a loved one dies, we may experience nearly overwhelming sorrow, but faith in the promises in God’s Word can help us to endure such grief. ‘I have hope toward God,’ said Paul, ‘that there is going to be a resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous.’ (Acts 24:15) We need to have faith in God’s provision for multitudes to be raised to life. (John 5:28, 29) Please visit www.JW.org to learn move about God's promises.
14-01 2017 17:13
God’s Word realistically shows that it is natural to experience grief when a loved one dies. The faithful patriarch Abraham mourned the death of his beloved wife, Sarah. (Genesis 23:2) David was grief-stricken after hearing that his son Absalom was dead. (2 Samuel 18:33) Even the perfect man Jesus wept over the death of his friend Lazarus. (John 11:35, 36) When a loved one dies, we may experience nearly overwhelming sorrow, but faith in the promises in God’s Word can help us to endure such grief. ‘I have hope toward God,’ said Paul, ‘that there is going to be a resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous.’ (Acts 24:15) We need to have faith in God’s provision for multitudes to be raised to life. (John 5:28, 29) Please visit www.JW.org to learn move about God's promises.