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Loyiso KB Mpumlwana

March 15, 1947 - December 23, 2020

Celebrating the life of Loyiso Khanyisa Mpumlwana

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2020-12-26 05:26:41 wrote:

Thank you Blazer for your teachings .You were always there whenever we needed your help. You taught our children about the importance of their culture. We still cannot believe that you are gone.Our deepest condolences to Denyameis and the entire Mpumlwana family. May your beautiful soul rest in peace From Laks and Nolwandle

2020-12-26 05:26:41 wrote: Thank you Blazer for your teachings .You were always there whenever we needed your help. You taught our children about the importance of their culture. We still cannot believe that you are gone.Our deepest condolences to Denyameis and the entire Mpumlwana family. May your beautiful soul rest in peace From Laks and Nolwandle

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