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Michael Jenkins Brown

May 22, 1974 - July 4, 2019

This page is dedicated to the memory of Michael Jenkins Brown, who sadly passed away on the 4th of July 2019. It's at this sad time that our thoughts are with his husband, Neil, and his friends and family. Please share your condolences, memories and stories of this wonderful man, who left us all far too soon. Rest in peace Michael xx

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2019-07-10 18:08:03 wrote:

It's hard to put into words, as one minute you were there laughing and joking with us all at our team meeting, and then you were gone. I've loved working with you; always appreciated your support, humour and honesty. My heart felt thoughts are with those who were the closest to you. You are missed xx

2019-07-10 18:08:03 wrote: It's hard to put into words, as one minute you were there laughing and joking with us all at our team meeting, and then you were gone. I've loved working with you; always appreciated your support, humour and honesty. My heart felt thoughts are with those who were the closest to you. You are missed xx

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