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"MY YOUNGER SISTERS MARGARET, EILEEN & PATRICIA dec. and to my Brother Meryyn featured middle front .Photo taken in 1946. Proud to have such a wonderful family. Much love to you all"- Barbara
Some of her fans: " efrom 4 years ago I love to draw with pastels, to be honest i'm a "learner-learning". It's so amazing how Barbara Beasley-Southgate turns the blackness into beautiful luminosity, is like watching the night fading into the day. I love it and i will give it a try. It's a pleasure indeed to watch CIYL and i wont stop expressing my gratitude to the work all of you are doing. Thank you very much :)" " raez2007 2 years ago I think I have just found a fav new artist, her work is truly amazing, such a true artwork of our beautiful Australian landscape." " Michelle Joseph-Long 4 years ago Barbara is a wonderful artist. I've never seen her work, but, love what she does with the pastels. I also like how she talks about her technique and her feelings toward doing right or wrong with art. I agree with her thought on that; the world would be quite boring if everyone did everything the same. " " linzertube 4 years ago What a sweet and talented woman! "
Jennifer Beasley
In honour of her life: Barbara Beasley-Southgate