19-08 2022 05:34
Edi was the Holcim Foundation - a fixed and usually calm point in a hectic and often rapidly evolving landscape of corporate undercurrents, academic sensitivities and logistical nightmares. I say 'usually' because as several of you attest, he knew when to raise the temperature - and also when to laugh about it. For some reason he had a penchant for New Zealand and on his very last visit came to my farm for a very happy lunch. Bhaady and I can't express how sad we are to be robbed of his future company. But we draw some real comfort from the fact that everyone who has expressed their condolences has described a figure whom we immediately recognise - a kind but businesslike, funny but serious and totally dedicated individual whom we are privileged to have known.
19-08 2022 05:34
Edi was the Holcim Foundation - a fixed and usually calm point in a hectic and often rapidly evolving landscape of corporate undercurrents, academic sensitivities and logistical nightmares. I say 'usually' because as several of you attest, he knew when to raise the temperature - and also when to laugh about it. For some reason he had a penchant for New Zealand and on his very last visit came to my farm for a very happy lunch. Bhaady and I can't express how sad we are to be robbed of his future company. But we draw some real comfort from the fact that everyone who has expressed their condolences has described a figure whom we immediately recognise - a kind but businesslike, funny but serious and totally dedicated individual whom we are privileged to have known.