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Samson Oluyemi Shoyoye

26 juni 1974 - 19 november 2018

SAMSON OLUYEMI SHOYOYE, Esq, Barrister-At-Law (26th June, 1974 - 19th November, 2018) LL. B (Hons.) OAU, Ile-Ife, B. L. We cannot begin to express how grateful we are to God for all that Samson Oluyemi Shoyoye meant to us. A deeply loved Father and Husband. A devoted brother, uncle and cousin. A friend that stuck closer than a brother, a valued colleague, a Christ Lover and an encourager. He was a brilliant lawyer and lived a life of impact. His last few days were marked with a deep sense of thankfulness and giving to those around him and to God. We are not surprised by this, as he was a man of deep faith, enormous grace and overflowing kindness. Samson has completed his race here on earth, but lives on in our hearts. Yet more comforting is the knowing that he now rests with his Lord and saviour.

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2018-11-21 17:32:03 schreef:

We all know that people are temporary. However, losing a good friend is not the easiest thing to go through! Yemi was always there for everyone, so to lose him is difficult to accept. Yemi, as you live on in the bosom of your Lord, thank you for being a shining light during your short sojourn here on earth!! ADIEU YEMI!!

2018-11-21 17:32:03 schreef: We all know that people are temporary. However, losing a good friend is not the easiest thing to go through! Yemi was always there for everyone, so to lose him is difficult to accept. Yemi, as you live on in the bosom of your Lord, thank you for being a shining light during your short sojourn here on earth!! ADIEU YEMI!!

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