1 januari 1933
19 februari 2015
Creator of Barbapapa, together with his French wife, Annette Tison.
Creating Barbapapa was made by chance in the Luxembourg Gardens in Paris one day in May 1970. While they were walking in the park, Talus Taylor heard a child ask his parents something is called "Baa baa baa baa". Not speaking French, he asked Annette Tison what it meant. She explained that this was a treat called la barbe à papa (cotton candy). Later at a restaurant, the couple began to draw on the tablecloth a character inspired by the candy: a pink and round character. When it came to give it a name, Barbapapa came naturally.
M. de Boer
M. de Boer
Ik herinner mij het boekje van de kermis erg goed van vroeger. Erg leuk hoe iedereen veranderde in de mooiste attracties.