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Edward Schwarz

July 13, 1960 - August 3, 2022

It is with great sadness that we learned of the sudden and unexpected passing of our friend and colleague, Edward “Edi” Schwarz. Edi served as General Manager of the Holcim Foundation from 2003 to 2021 following a successful career in the Holcim Group. His dedication, energy and passion helped develop the Foundation into a renowned and trusted global partner, a true beacon of thought leadership on sustainable construction. Please join us in remembering Edi’s unwavering commitment to building a better world for future generations, and his incredible gift for connecting people from all geographies and all walks of life.

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2022-08-05 11:06:15 wrote:

I will never forget the infectious enthusiasm Edi showed for everything he tackled and the great diplomacy with which he managed the big personalities involved in the Sustainable Construction competitions, which is the role in which I knew him best. He had enormous grace under pressure (a certain train accident in Nairobi comes to mind) and no mater how stressful the moment he had a knack for calming tempers, making a plan and making people feel that everything is under control, even if we all knew he was frantically paddling underneath the calm surface. Edi is an integral part of my memories of the many places we met and I will always cherish those. You will be missed!

2022-08-05 11:06:15 wrote: I will never forget the infectious enthusiasm Edi showed for everything he tackled and the great diplomacy with which he managed the big personalities involved in the Sustainable Construction competitions, which is the role in which I knew him best. He had enormous grace under pressure (a certain train accident in Nairobi comes to mind) and no mater how stressful the moment he had a knack for calming tempers, making a plan and making people feel that everything is under control, even if we all knew he was frantically paddling underneath the calm surface. Edi is an integral part of my memories of the many places we met and I will always cherish those. You will be missed!

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