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December 4, 1981 - March 27, 2019

Shawn was a giant in the enthusiast photographer community in Shanghai. As a professional photographer, he was tireless and extremely generous with his time, helping many photographers starting on their artistic journeys. His passion for the format and encouragement was infectious, and his commitment to the betterment of the individual photographers is never waving. He passed in Germany from a mysterious immune condition after fighting the good fight for over two years. He will be missed.

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Subject Zero 2019-03-30 07:17:31 wrote: Thank you Shawn for all the support, advice, and damn good gear over the years. I shot this with the first Helios i bought from you, which very quickly became my favourite 50mm. As you said would happen. You will be missed. Thank you for enabling all of us to become better in so many different ways. RIP Shawn.

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